Picture of Josh Moore


Software and Data Science

Welcome! I'm a senior computer science student graduating this summer, and am excited to put my coding skills to use in the brave new world technology has opened for us. At Carleton College, I've had the opportunity to stay on the bleeding edge, savoring my classes in quantum computing and machine learning. But in an age where the ethical standards of our computing systems will rule the fates of many users, I've also prioritized religion and philosophy classes to verse myself in the considerations of social responsibility. Through interdisciplinary thinking, I want to find new angles and solutions to large and small problems. When not working at the intersection of technology and humanity, I'll be reading sci-fi or Tolkien.

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My Projects

Explainable AI User Study

Understanding how AI models come to their decisions is a matter of increasing importance – for finding systematic errors, exposing bias, and convincing EU juries (explanations being guarenteed under the GDPR). Over 10 weeks, I embarked on a research project with a group of peers to understand three explainable AI models; both how they worked, and how convincing their explanations were to others.

Content-recognizing Compost Bin

I wired together a Raspberry Pi with a camera, light, and accelerometer to create a bin that would monitor its contents and automatically upload pictures to Dropbox. Ultimately, these pictures will train a neural network classifier running on-device to determine whether the contents are compostable.

Technology Policy Institute's Broadband Dashboard

I collaborated on the Technology Policy Institute's flagship broadband dashboard, which flexibly visualizes internet service data across the country. I also created the video demo that TPI used to present the dashboard at their annual conference.

Asshole-predicting Neural Network

As an extension of previous social computing work, a friend and I created a word vector model and a neural network to classify posts on Reddit's "am I the asshole" subreddit. We decided to use the valence of each word to classify posts as asshole or not, in the vein of O'Brien, 2020.

Dark Souls Armor Optimizer

Playing through Dark Souls 1, I was struck by the difficulty of choosing what to wear. With dozens of armor pieces for each body part, and weight limits/elemental defenses/poise/etc to juggle, I decided it would be easier to make a publicly-available program to decide between all options.